(更新 2024-04-29) 16s for june 16   相關網站列表 | 相關企業商業資訊
16s for june 16 相關新聞列表
    1. JUNE六月美式餐廳


      電話:05-2762099    地址:嘉義市東區吳鳳北路318號地圖

    2. 銓誼時業有限公司

      Chuan-Yi Enterprise was established in June 1995. We’ve been in the power connector production business for more than 2 decades. Guan-Yin Enterprise Co. Ltd. was first established in 1979; Sixteen years later, the company name was then modified to Chuan-Yi.Chuan-Yi’s production of pins, communic...

      電話:03-4091234    地址:桃園縣龍潭鄉工五路139巷116弄52-1號

    3. 嘉義市世界美語補習班

      Universe-American Language School is searching for two teachersto join us. Schools provides an English-immersion kindergarten &Elementary program for children, ages 3 to 10. Similar to a North American kindergarten, each teacher is responsible for his or her own classroom. Students are grouped by ag...

      電話:05-2781880    地址:嘉義縣民國路219號

    4. 東照企業有限公司

      Donghai Frozen Foods Co., LTD is a wholly Taiwan-owned enterprise for quick-frozen fresh vegetables and fruits. The company was prepared for construction in October 1991, and went onto production in May 1992; registered capital is 16,000,000 US dollars. It covers an area of 34036 square meters. The ...

      電話:07-5546077    地址:高雄市鼓山區大順一路439號十樓

    5. 海豚˙藍 塑身沙龍for lady(元創媒體服務有限公司)

      元創媒體服務有限公司原為廣告設計公司,於2010年6月在南京東路3段的花巷草弄間,創立了一間「海豚˙藍 塑身沙龍」,我們的理念是希望提供一個現代女性健康檢測、運動減重、雕塑身材、精油芳療spa、輕食食療的地方,當妳從工...

      電話:02-25092596    地址:台北市中山區南京東路三段109巷16號1樓

    6. 海豚˙藍 塑身沙龍for lady(元創媒體服務有限公司)

      元創媒體服務有限公司原為廣告設計公司,於2010年6月在南京東路3段的花巷草弄間,創立了一間「海豚˙藍 塑身沙龍」,我們的理念是希望提供一個現代女性健康檢測、運動減重、雕塑身材、精油芳療spa、輕食食療的地方,當妳從工...

      電話:02-25092596    地址:台北市中山區南京東路三段109巷16號1樓

    7. For You Hair

      For you Hair 團隊即日起招募,培養訓練專業優質人員,讓你在未來擁有與人一較長短之驚人專長,短短幾年光陰換取未來人生大道,讓FOR YOU HAIR打造全新人生。在人力銀行刊登在刊登,尋找不到適合的公司行號,亦或始終尋求不...

      電話:03-4224669    地址:桃園縣中壢市九和三街18號

    8. 博珩股份有限公司

      ...oviders of quality notebook products from Top Tier manufacturers in Taiwan for European markets, with revenues growing to over 16 million US dollars last year. Marasst is expanding into computing, consumer electronics and communication products and needs the best people to compete on the global high...

      電話:02-27224928    地址:台北市信義區忠孝東路四段560號10樓之1

    9. 新加坡商財經智慧有限公司

      ...ware company specialising in packaged software development and integration for Wealth Management Structured Products businesses. Due to its ease of use and depth of functionality, our solution has become the de-facto choice for market leaders since 2003.We built the system with Dual Currency Deposit...

      電話:02-77188688    地址:台北市信義區松仁路89號 16F Rm1608

    10. 沐葉 For Hair

      沐葉 For Hair 秉持 [健康、時尚、樂活] 的領導理念,首度於竹北高鐵區打造唯一沙龍級美髮新據點!強調以 Hair 為中心,結合 Health Beauty 的概念,並以寬敞舒適的空間和溫暖親近的調性來迎接顧客!使都市中的人們回歸到自然愜意的情...

      電話:03-6588778    地址:新竹縣竹北市文興路一段78號

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